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Website Rollover
Midweek Training 2019-20
2019-2020 Training Pitches
Notice of YYL 2019 AGM
Final Payment
Finances Update
YYL Select at HKFC Citibank Soccer 7s 2019
HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens 2019
YYL Second Payment Request 2019年1月17日星期四

Dear Teams,

The spreadsheet showing the outstanding amount owed to the league for all teams has been emailed to team reps.

This amount includes the second installment for annual fees, the second installment for training pitches (where applicable) as well as all fines incurred up to and including the games of January 6th, 2019.

Any fines between now and the rest of the season will be billed in May.

Please arrange payment for the EXACT amount in the 'BALANCE' column ON
OR BEFORE MONDAY FEBRUARY 4TH, 2019 AND send proof of payment to:

HSBC ACCOUNT NO: 600-711626-001

Failure to make payment AND send proof before the deadline will result in a 500 HKD late payment fee, which will be doubled after a week.

Teams who fail to pay before Monday February 18th, 2019 will be suspended.

Any questions or queries regarding the amounts, or anything else, please feel free to contact me.

Good luck to all teams for the rest of the season.

Steve Cairns
YYL Treasurer



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