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Chairman's note for 2009-2010 season AGM
Chairman's note for 2009-2010 season AGM 2009年7月17日星期五

The notice for the AGM has now been posted on the League's web site and sent around to all member teams by email by divisional reps. The meeting will be held on Sunday 19th July 2009 (this coming Sunday) at King’s Park at 3pm and prior to this we will be having a few games between the divisions - your dive reps will have contacted you separately regarding this and ko is scheduled for 2pm. We would welcome all teams to send more than one representative to the meeting (although only one member may vote) as it represents an excellent opportunity for teams/representatives to socialize with each other prior to the start of the new season and there will be snack and drinks available after the meeting. We would like to just remind all members of the procedures and agenda at the AGM:

1 Previous AGM minutes – the minutes from last year's AGM are posted on the website and are enclosed with this note.

2 Matters Arising – from 2008 minutes.

3 Chairman's Report – This will include the previous and coming 09-10 season and will cover league, cup, 6s, pitches, referees, discipline, website and sponsorship.

4 Treasurer's Report – Audited accounts for last year will be presented by the Treasurer. A copy of the balance sheet will be published on the website and distributed in due course.

5 Election of Officers – There have been no nominations from members for executive committee (exco) positions and all incumbent exco members are re-standing. The exco for next season will, therefore, be as follows:

Chairman - Michael Johnson (re-standing)
Vice Chairman - Edwin Lim (re-standing)
Secretary - Wilson Hon (re-standing)
Treasurer - Simon Lam (re-standing)
Asst. Secretary - Mike Ashton (re-standing)
1st Division - Michael Wong (re-standing)
2nd Division - Jon Southgate (re-standing).
3rd Division & Website - Michael Yen (re-standing)
4th Division - Jon McKinley (re-standing)
Gen Rep - Tom Vincent (re-standing)

6 Rule Changes – The following changes to YYL rules are proposed and will require a 75% majority to be passed.

(24. A team may be permitted to register within the same season no more than five players who have been registered with the HKFA at any time from the beginning of the previous season up to any time during the current season, including during the close season.)

(29. Players equipment and apparel should comply with normal FIFA regulations and as sanctioned and permitted by match officials. Metal studs are not be allowed and players must wear shin guards.)

(34. Each team must complete its Team Sheet and hand this to the Referee or one of his or her Assistants before the start of a match. Referees have been instructed not to start a match until after they have been given both Team Sheets. Manual changes to the team sheet are not allowed and will result in a deduction of 3 points and 3 goals for each offence in addition to a fine of $500.00.)

7 New teams – 5 new teams showed an interest in joining the YYL for the 2009-10 season and after communication was made with these teams and completed applications were received there were two teams whose suitability was reviewed by the sub-committee. A recommendation was made to exco that was subsequently endorsed and exco propose that Integrated Engineering Solutions (IES) be admitted as a member of the YYL, with immediate effect. Representatives from Integrated Engineering Solutions (IES) will be available to answer questions from members at the AGM before voting, which requires 75% majority for the acceptance of new teams.

8 Any Other Business – There has been no receipt of additional motions to be included at the AGM under AOB, however, teams will be able to raise issues they would like to discuss but should remember these issues are not motions and will not be the subject of any vote or change to the rules.



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