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Website Roll-Over to 2017-18 Season
Midweek Training 2017-18
2017-18 訓練場節
AGM Notice
They Came, They Saw And They Almost Conquered
每週紀律報告 – 一七年五月十四日及二十一日之賽事 (修正版)
每週紀律報告 – 一七年五月十四日及二十一日之賽事
Cometh The Hour Cometh The Bagman
Website Roll-Over to 2017-18 Season 2017年8月11日星期五

The website will be rolled over for the 2017-2018 season on 14 August at midnight. This will not affect any of your regular operations.

Please however note the following:
- Each team must have at least 2 x registered team reps at all times. If you team doesn’t, please make sure you apply to register another one at the earliest opportunity.
- New team reps MUST be proposed by EXISTING team reps. This is to ensure team continuity. The protocol for new team rep registration is application via email by existing team rep addressed to Chairman, cc’ing Secretary, Div Rep, AO and Webmaster. If there are no problems with the application, it will usually be completed within 7 working days.
- By the same token, old/retiring team reps cannot be de-registered by current team management and must apply for the team rep to be changed to player status.
- Team reps CANNOT MAKE CHANGES to information on the website. If you have made a mistake on player registration (wrong name, wrong ID, wrong photo, etc.), the ONLY PERSON who can help you change it is the webmaster. Please DO NOT TRY TO DE-REGISTER the player and RE-REGISTER him. You need to email the webmaster to make the change for you.
- If you are signing a player de-registered from another team, FIRST MAKE SURE HE IS DE-REGISTERED! Then use the search box at the top of the website to search for his name and copy and paste his name onto the registration page. IT MUST MATCH THE NAME ON OUR DATABASE EXACTLY before you can sign the player.
- If you know that your player has changed ID documentation (i.e. has a valid HK ID or changed passport numbers) You need to email the Chairman & Secretary to apply for the change IMMEDIATELY.



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