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Pitches available for friendly game
Pitches available for friendly game
Player Registration - 2008-09
Draft calendar for YYL season 2008 - 2009
Player Registration - 2008-09
YYL AGM - 15th July 2008
Pitch Available - 6th July 1500-1630hrs
Player Registration - 2008-09 2008年8月13日星期三

To all team reps and players,

This is a final reminder for your teams to please sort out your registration situation before the official transfer deadline.Please note that the “transfer deadline” for the coming 2008-09 YYL season will be 15th August 2008. Any players moving from YYL team to another YYL team, on or after this date, will be deemed to have been “transferred” in accordance with the rules (each player only allowed 2 transfers per season), and regulations of the YYL which can be viewed on this website.

Due to the server crash a couple of months ago, there may be missing players, missing team reps, etc. You have a responsibility of sorting this out and raising any questions/issues well before the kick-off of the 1st league game. We cannot guarantee that the problem will be sorted out in time if you come to us only a few days before your 1st game.

Also, this is to remind you that you CANNOT change the ID paper number of your players. You MUST do that via application to the exco. You should NOT de-activate the player and re-register him with his new ID number.

YYL Exco



   | 2006-07 |    2007-08 |    2008-09 |   2009-10 |   2010-11 |   2011-12 |   2012-13 |   2013-14 |   2014-15 |   2015-16 |   2016-17 |   2017-18 |   2018-19 |   2019-20 |   2020-21 |   2021-22 |   2022-23 |   2023-24 |       


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