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Midweek Training
Applications to Join The Yau Yee Football League 2023-24
每週紀律報告 – 二零二三年五月六日之賽事
White Youth BoCors Spartans and Colts Winners at the Sixes
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每週紀律報告 – 二零二三年四月三十日之賽事
Midweek Training 2023年7月21日星期五

Midweek pitches are available from August 2023 to May 2024 at a cost of HKD11,000 per team. This is payable in 2 x instalments of HKD5,500.

Teams will be allocated a half pitch every week unless advised otherwise by the league - teams must share their pitch with other YYL teams when instructed to do so by the league.

When pitches have been allocated no further communication or appeal will be entertained.

Teams must submit the names and ID copies of 3 x personnel (should be at least 1 x registered rep) who must be registered with their team at the time of application who will be responsible for ensuring the pitches are used by YYL teams for training. Furthermore teams must agree, in the application, that all in attendance at any training session must supply their ID document to league officials if ever requested.

If you would like a pitch for this period email: angelyip@netvigator.com and michael@ppc-hk.com & stating your team name and previous training slot (if any) by next Thursday 27 July 2023 and that you understand all of the above and attach the ID copies as requested.




   | 2006-07 |   2007-08 |   2008-09 |   2009-10 |   2010-11 |   2011-12 |   2012-13 |   2013-14 |   2014-15 |   2015-16 |   2016-17 |   2017-18 |   2018-19 |   2019-20 |   2020-21 |   2021-22 |    2022-23 |    2023-24 |       


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