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Simon 2010-08-08

Hi - looking to play football this season, get some fitness as well as a footy social scene. Moved from London 5 months ago. Played in the Arthurian League in the UK, am 31 and play anywhere across the back or in the middle of the park. Pls drop me a line on 63924527. cheers simon

Ryan Klaseus any team 2010-08-04

I am 22 and just moved to HK. I am free anytime after 5:30 weekdays and all weekends. I played for my club team while at Pepperdine University. I played outside mid as well as outside back. I look forward to continuing to play out here in a competitive form

Stanley any team in D4 2010-07-24


I'm 35 and want to play regular football on Sat/Sun. I can play either left-back or left-wing. Pls feel free to contact.


Nicky any team in D4 2010-07-19

Hi there!

I am 32 years old and going to move to HK by 1 August. I am German, but have been living in Moscow for the last 4 years, where I have been playing in an expatriates' league on Saturdays.

I am looking for a chance to play 11-a-side football in HK - preferably as defender on left or right wing.



Maggie Lai Berlin K 2010-07-19

Our team play Hong Kong Super League and we are looking for a CB and a CF who can play regulary on weekdays! Please contact us through email or telephone number 2841-8850 (10a.m.-5p.m.)

Bernard 2010-07-18

Looking for a low division or weekend league team. I play keeper.


Christian Romano 2010-07-13

Hey Guys,

I am a 17 year old Aussie lad turning 18 in November. Preferably looking for a club in Division 1

I've been playing at high levels for over 10 years now and I am looking for a club to join in Hong Kong
I can play anywhere across the midfield or behind the strikers.

Any info is welcomed

Cheers, Christian

Gurmit Sethi any team in D4 2010-07-08

Hey there,

I'm 22 years old, my natural position is at right full-back and wing back, but I have played as a defensive midfielder. I have trained with the USRC dragons before, never played for them, and haven't played for a while. I'd love to just come in for training and support the team.

Vindi 2010-07-07

I am 25 years old. I can play either as a midfielder or as a forward. Haven't played for any clubs recently but looking for any club that needs someone. I have excellent pace and can definitely net the ball in the back of the net. Looking to keep myself fit and improve my game. Any clubs interested, contact me.


chris akwensi 2010-07-07

l am a 22years old midfielder from ghana,l currently live in shenzhen and works as a teacher ,l will prove myself if given the chance.

QuaresmaFan 2010-06-28

I am 25 year-old midfielder. Played for a young team of an european club until 17. Then moved to semi professional team and played for them till 20. Then i came to Hong Kong. I couldnt find any team to play. for 5 years i played some casual football on sundays with my friends. But i need more than that. Looking for a team. I need 2-3 months to get my old performance back. I play aggressive football. Cannot accept to lose. I do everything for my team. I use both my feet but my right was perfect. Now i need a bit training to get it as good as before. I can play midfield-inner-right also suitable for playing behind forwards please contact me by my email

Tiga Lo any team in Division 4 2010-06-23

Hi there,
I am looking to play some regular football at an amateur level. Im 17 years of age interested in playing as winger.


Brian Kwong Any team in D4 2010-06-22


I am 16 years of age and have a huge interest in playing for a team in Division 4, I play for my school team and recently lead my team to 2nd in an tournament. I try my best to play up to my full potential even when Im not in my best condition, whether its sickenss or just general fatigue. I have a good right foot and a decent left (lacking strength) but i hope to keep improving by training and playing games for a yau yee team. For my school team I play in the Midfield mainly CM but occationally on the left or the right.

If any D4 teams are interested please consider giving me a trial. Contact me at

Many Thanks,
Brian Kwong

Toby 2010-06-01


I am looking to play some regular football at an amateur level (for the game and to get fit again). Played regularly up until '07 and have just now got into youth football coaching. Best at left back, but wouldn't be too shabby in front of the goalie.

If any teams are willing to give me a trial, I can be got at at



Hoffumen yip N/A 2010-05-14

i'm a Chinese boy and 20 years old .I'm GK
I would like to look for a team which can provide more opportunity of matching. At the same time, I wouldn't like to spend too much time to be a substitute.
I'm a member of U20 WCSC and the School team this year and I've also played in different young teams and the school team for over 5 years.
please contack me if any teams are interested of me by e-mail and i'm also available to test programme.
Thank you

Ken 2010-04-27

Hi Gents,

i'm moving to Hong Kong in July. I'm 31 yrs old and play up top. I'm Irish but currently living in London where I play Saturday league. Very interested in getting involved with a club for the fitness obvisouly and the social side of it. Any team looking for a player please let me know.


Frank Fletcher Hopefully KCC Dragons 2010-04-18


Due to a bad hip injury I have been forced into playing non-professional football and have work commitments in Hong Kong.
I have just got off the plane from Scotland playing for Hearts academy u-21 level and now looking for a club in the first division to play at.

Many thanks, if interested, please phone me at 6494 7251

Frankie x

Kaku 2010-04-16

hallo,im 27 years old player .

I'm looking for a chance to play or train in another team
perferable position: GK

I m now Playing in one of the team in Devision 4

Igor Looking for a team 2010-04-04

I am 28 y old coming from Croatia, want to play football, any league or friendly games.

James Looking for a team 2010-03-31

Hi - I'm looking for a chance to play or train with a team in D3/4. I'm 25, 186cm, haven't played for a few years but keen to get involved - interested in playing GK.



Kevin Johnson Kunshan Allstars 2010-03-25

I will arrive in Hong Kong on the 8th July 2010. I play in the Shanghai International League and would like to join a team when I arrive in HK. I would be willing to have a trial at anyone's club.

Darwin Chin Looking for a team 2010-03-12

Hey guys,

I am looking to join a team. I have just moved back from Australia for 10 years. I am 185cm tall and strongly built (83kg). I am right footed, have played for 2 Universities in Australia and was once trained in a soccer academy at young age.

I started playing soccer as a right back, and played as supporting striker and winger when I played in different State Leagues. With training again, you will definitely see my physical presence and controlling impact on the match.

I am also a naturally outgoing person and easy to get along with. If you are interested, please let me know and you can try out to see if i fit in the team.


Darwin Chin

Tim Looking for a team 2010-03-09

Hey guys,

I'm looking to join a team if it is not too late, Canadian Chinese about 180cm tall, right footed. Played in a number of teams including for my school and teams outside of school, 23 this year. I play in another league now but looking to get more games under my belt.

Always played as a right winger in my earlier stages, can play on the left too but now I'm preferred as a full back for my team.

My main strengths would be passing and slide tackling and the odd shot on goal.

Please let me know if you are interested!

Mike 2010-03-06

I'm looking to join a team to have more regular football....thirty-something's age, midfielder, been representing high-school and U faculty team during young.....drop me an e-mail for a trial if interested..

Bolu Olufunwa 2010-03-05


Just arrived from England. Capatined my University Team and was also selected for South East England trials at 21.

Just turned 28. I play up front or right wing or centre midfield.

Looking to join a competitive team in a league, or a team looking to push the top teams in their division. Wotnt dissappoint.

Doug Looking for a team 2010-03-03

Hey, I am looking for a team to play in, can play up front or central midfield. Send me an email if you are willing to give me a trial.


Juan Sebastian 2010-02-18

im studying in HK since last year, and i would like to find a team to play soccer..
im colombian, 22 years old..please feel free to contact me..

Ernest Hung 2010-02-16

Dear or Madam,

I am looking to join a team. I can play in defensive midfield, with left or right legs.
I am good in shooting on penalty and free kicks.


derek lee any 2010-02-02

hello british chinese looking to join team live in Tai po getting on a bit 41 this year but bags of enthusiasm and a great right foot

Maggie Lai Berlin K 2010-01-19

Our team play Hong Kong Super League and we are looking for a GK who can play regulary on weekdays! Please contact us through email or telephone number 2841-8850 / 9030 4956

Chris 2010-01-17


Im 17 yeard old, looking for a club to join.. played for state level back home in Australia
and looking for a team in Hong Kong, I can play CM or RM


Jonathan 2010-01-12


I'm 27, and currently playing FFL but it looks as though our team's disbanding at the end of the season, so considering options.

Looking for a team that trains once or twice a week and needs a RW/CM with a decent engine who can pick a pass.


Donald any team in D4 2009-12-20

i am 22 year old average player who wanted to play soccer.
i am 192cm height, normally i played CF, MF and DMF
i played soccer since the age of 6. i played in AUS amateur level while oversea study and university soccer team as well.
i am looking for a team who would like to give me a chance to practices and play.

ibezimako emeka promise any good team 2009-12-17

i am a left back football player age 19yrs please any team that needs my sevices can notify me by mail i believe in seeing is believing and will not dissappoint if given a chance thanks

Max 2009-11-30

Dear All,

I just moved to HK. I am from Germany, 23 years old and play soccer since the age of 5. Beforehand I played in the UK (School level) and Netherlands (University level)
I am looking for a regular occasion to play games and join practices. Preferable position: MF.



Gibbo 2009-11-23

Dear All,

Our team is currently looking for a couple of players to strengthen our squad. If you're interested drop me an email.



Alex Looking for team 2009-11-18

Hey everyone, I'm moving to HK in December for a couple of months and would like to get in touch with a team for practices/games. I've been playing for a couple of years in the US , Venezuela (H.S.), and lately just a few pick up indoor games in Geneva. If you need players or would be open for someone joining your practices please shoot me an e-mail. Thanks.

Jeff Looking for team 2009-11-07

Hello yau yee football league team managers, I was wondering if I can just join in on your practice sessions if you have any, preferably if you have them at Happy Valley racecourse or anywhere else that is on Hong kong island, I have sufficient skills to play football, thanks for considering.

Danny looking for a team 2009-11-02

Hi Team Managers,
although the league season begins, I would like to join any team if any. I have
- good skills
- good sense of team play and strategy
- over 25 years on football

perferable position: CMF or CB


krishkurt LOOKING FOR TEAM 2009-10-22

hallo,im 21 years old average player .Looking for play any team .Perfer to play any position beside GK.

Mark Micallef Any 2009-10-19

Hi There,

I just moved here from Australia a few weeks ago and looking to join a football team
I played 8 years as a striker for reserve grade premier league and keen to play in Hong Kong

IF anybody is looking for a striker please call me a.s.a.p on 9338 2110

John Haines 2009-10-15

21 y/o played defense and midfield at uni, looking to train with a team in the NT/Kowloon area.


Eugene Kan Looking for a team 2009-10-07

Played at the highest university level in Canada (CIS), played over a season of HK 1st Division. However all as a keeper. Looking to play as an outfielder. Prefer playing the wing or up-front.

Kenny 2009-10-01

We are looking for players who can play Saturday morning league regularly, especially a GK

Coloids Colloids FC 2009-09-30

We play in Division 2 and are looking to trail out players Tuesday 6th October at Kings Park 9pm. If you are interested please reply via email.

In particular we are looking for a GK.


Ken 2009-09-29

Hi, we are looking for a goalie who can play Saturday morning, thks

Shaun Pickering Seeking 2009-09-28

I've recently trained with the German All-Stars team but am currently without a team, i am currently looking for a team searching for players. I can play right mid, left mid and up front. Cheers.

Eddy 2009-09-25

Hello, I've just arrived in Hong Kong from the UK and I am looking to play football at an amateur level. I am 20 years old and I am an average player, mainly looking to play for fun and meet some friends rather than competitively, but I'll always give 100%.

If any teams are interested in giving me a trial, then feel free to email me at or call me/text me at 6447 1434.

Cheers, I look forward to hearing from you.


Franky Berlin K 2009-09-24

Hi, Um, i am looking for a GK and CB can play regulary on the week days! Please contact me. 98830069 Thank!

Thomas DeAngelo Seeking 2009-09-18

Hi all:

I'm looking for a lower division team who I can train on a regular basis with. I normally play as a defender, and I have been keeping myself in a fair shape physically. I have to admit football is not my forte but I am as enthusiastic as anyone could be, hope I can be of some use to you, thanks!


Ming Liu 2009-09-17


Was playing in a view teams befor and stop for two years to play yau yee. Like to find a team to train and play and c if I can help or suport with my skills. Best Position:center mid or striker, Evt Position: right wing
Was playing in Germany good to high level football...!

c ya

Calvin Seeking a team to join 2009-09-13

Hi all,

I have been playing regularly for a couple of different team over the last year in HK and am now looking to join a team in this league. Preferable a Division 2 team. Previous experience includes Div 1 in San Francisco and prior to that in New Zealand.


Jonathan Leung 2009-09-13

Hello all, recently moved to HK from England. Looking to join a team or at least try out for one. I can play most positions outfield and would love to get my fitness up.


Chris Seeking 2009-08-29

Hello everyone--

I'm moving back to HK in September after a 12 year hiatus and looking to join a team. Recent experience with Marin A League in San Francisco and currently with a Kreisliga A team in Frankfurt.

Fluent in Cantonese.


Michael Cole 2009-08-27

Hello gents. I've just got over to HK and I'm pretty keen to dust the old boots off and find a decent footy team to get stuck into.

If there's any trials or training sessions coming up I'm available right away. I played at a good level at university for 3 years and can pretty much play anywhere: midfield, up top or in the hole. Lovely stuff.

Any pointers would be hugely appreciated so please give me a shout if there are any spaces going, probably in Division 1 or 2.






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