Pitches for Friendlies on May 27, 12 |
Friday 18th May 2012 |
Herewith the pitches for freindlies on May 27, 12:-
KP1 10:30-12:00
KP1 12:00-13:30
KP1 13:30-15:00
KP1 15:00-16:30
KP2 10:30-12:00
KP2 12:00-13:30
KP2 13:30-15:00
KP2 15:00-16:30
KP3 10:30-12:00
KP3 12:00-13:30
KP3 13:30-15:00
KP3 15:00-16:30
If any team is interested, please have the team rep email to the A. O. at ao@yauyeeleague.com for registration. All the registration will be confirmed by first-come-first- served.