Annual General Meeting |
2006年8月14日星期一 |
Dear all team reps,
Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of this season is scheduled with the following details:
Date - September 6, 2006 (Wednesday)
Time - 19.00
Venue - Hong Kong Football Club
1. Approval of minutes of the previous AGM held on September 12, 2005.
2. Matters arising
3. Chairman's report
4. Treasurer's report
5. Election of Officers
6. Rule changes for 2006-2007 season
7. New teams
8. AOB
At least one representative of every team is required to attend. Pls kindly mark your calendar. Should you have nominations for any office to be elected at the Annual General Meeting, it must be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary in the prescribed form at least ten days before the Annual General Meeting. Such nominations, to be valid, must be proposed and seconded by any Member with the consent of the nominee. Should you also have any item to be addressed & discussed at the AGM in specific pls send forward to the Hon. Secretary in written at least ten days prior. Thanks for your kind attention.
Wilson Hon,
Hon. Secretary.